The NORA membership is fully supportive of legislation that will allow residents and others to question local authority parking policies.
Residents have several problems with unsatisfactory parking policies. They may deny adequate access for their own vehicles and for those of
visiting workmen. On the other hand local authorities may be unwilling to consider ensuring adequate on-street parking where it is required
and feasible. Worse still they may be unprepared to control unwanted parking in residential streets.
So an opportunity for residents to raise concerns possibly leading to a public council meeting and a report dealing with criticism is welcomed.
The NORA comments are specifically limited to the concerns of residents.
Answers to Questions
The proposed definition of an eligible resident is acceptable.
1. Who should have the ability to seek a review?
Where a residents group is recognised as representing a substantial proportion of residents in the area of concern regarding local parking
policies, we consider this a most suitable body to petition the local authority for a review.
Where a problem affects just a single street, we suggest that a petition signed by over 25% of residents in that street should qualify for
seeking a review. If only 10% seek a review, there may be opposition from the remaining 90%, and such a review could lead to a loss of social
Where a larger area is concerned, it is difficult to suggest a figure that would be generally appropriate, and we suggest that in the absence
of a residents group, then the local authority should decide whether the petition for a review is warranted.
2. What should they be able to challenge and how?
The list of subjects and the procedural arrangements are accepted.
3. How should the local authority manage petitions?
In addition to the recommended minimum proposals, we consider that it would be appropriate for petitioners to be able to voice their
concerns at the public council meeting. In order to manage an open meeting, it would be sensible to expect petitioners to nominate a
member to speak for them, a practice common at planning and licensing committee hearings.