
National Organisation of Residents Associations





Over-riding all the detailed planning legislation is the National Planning Policy Framework, and it plays a large part in determing planning decisions. The original document in March 2012 of 65 pages was updated in July 2018 and is now 73 pages long.

Relevant Legislation

1. Town and Country Planning and Statutory Instruments (=SI)
  (a) Town and Country Planning Act 1990
  (b) SI 1990/1519 Planning Regulations for Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas (1990)
  (c) SI 2007/783 Control of Advertisements (2007)
  (d) SI 2007/1739 Amendments to Control of Advertisements (2007)
  (e) SI 2010/2184 Development Management Procedure (England) Order (2010)
  (f) General Permitted Development (England) Order 2015 complete document
  (g) Guidance to Permitted Development Rights (England) 2016 50 pages
2. Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
3. Housing Act 2004
4. Use Classes Order
 (a) SI 2005/84 (April 2005)
 (b) SI 2010/653 (April 2010) - HMO
 (c) Current Use Classes Order 2010
5. Planning Act 2008 (204 pages)
6. Cost awards in Planning Appeals (England) - 24 pages (July 2009)
7. Article 4 Directions
 (a) SI 2010/2135 (Sept 2010) changes Directions
 (b) Replacement Appendix D GDC Order (Nov 2010)
8. Localism
 (a) Localism Act 2011 a large file - 497 pages
 (b) Simple Guide to Localism Act 2011 only 24 pages
 (c) Access to list of current Statutory Instruments relating to the Localism Act (April 2012)
  e.g. SI 2012/637 - Neighbourhood Planning Regulations
  e.g. SI 2012/767 - Local Plans Legislation
9. Tree Preservation Orders
  (a) Town & Country Planning (Tree Preservation)(England)Regulations 2012 (24 pages)
  (b) Summary of changes (6 pages)
10. Growth & Infrastructure Act (May 2013)
11. HMO licensing
  SI 2018/221 (February 2018) implemented Oct0ber 2018


1. English Heritage advice on New Uses for Former Places of Worship (24 pages)
2. Guidance from CLG on Community Action during Severe Weather (9 pages)
3. Advice on dealing with squatters in your home (5 pages)
4. Publicity for Planning Applications (Circular 15/92) (11 pages)
5. Planning Inspectorate on Planning Appeals
6. Article 4 Directions (2010) - see above 7
7. Planning Appeals up-date (October 2013) (21 pages)
8. Right to Manage - up-date; access to four large sections (December 2013)
9. Unauthorised encampments - legal weapons for planning breaches (12 pages)
10. Nationally Described Space Standard 2015 (5 pages)