
National Organisation of Residents Associations


Statement from Ministry of Justice on Court Fees (July 2009):


Other Civil Proceedings cover various appeal procedures, including appeals against the grant of pub and similar licenses,
made by local individuals opposed to the grant of any licence. The proposals for other civil proceedings meant
that the court fee for this particular process would have increased.

The Government remains committed to encouraging local residents to influence decisions that affect their local area.
As a result we have created a separate appeal fee which is equal to the existing amount of the three fees currently paid
and fits with the general category of appeals as set out in the new fees order.

For those who appeal when they have been refused a licence the court fee will remain unchanged at £425.

The three fees of the statement appear to be as follows:

1. filing a complaint £75
2. request to issue summons and copy £75
3. request to issue warrant and copy £50

So, as a result of the NORA responses to the Consultation Paper, since July 2009 the Magistrates Court fee for objectors
to a licence could be £150 or, if a warrant is needed, £200.